domingo, 15 de julio de 2007

Recuerdan la peli Fight Club, ¿no?...

... bueno, pues el pana que la escribió se llama Chuck Pahlaniuk, y es uno de los nuevos litaratos malditos que están construyendo lo que va a ser la literatura del futuro, o por lo menos están construyendo la parte cínica y sarcástica del futuro arte de escribir. Tiene publicados varios libros de cuentos cortos, suficientes para ser un autor de culto siendo aún joven. En nuestro (país) se editó un compilado, Editorial Debate tiene el mérito. Me encontré este ensayo que no escribió hace mucho. Es un palo.

A Church of Stories by Chuck Pahnlaniuk

In 1998, while in Los Angeles for the filming of Fight Club, I went with friends to the Getty Museum. All those antiquities, the decorative objects, all the galleries of stuff being looked at by hushed tourists, my friends and me. That endless parade of masterpieces, it was too much. Grinding, the way a day of yard sales can be grinding as your eyes find a name for each object, a place in history, a story. Too many famous stories butted together on that hilltop above Los Angeles.
Of course, I turned that day into a story.
In the 1970s, during my childhood, museums were more hands-on. You went to galleries to destroy fine art. You took a sledgehammer and mashed the nose of the Pieta. Or you kissed a picture and left lipstick. You tried to spray paint the Mona Lisa, or planted a bomb that would trash some Miros. These days, of course, the Getty had guards and Plexiglas and motion detectors.
So wandering with my friends, I asked them: "Instead of stealing or attacking established art — what if some frustrated artist tried to sneak his paintings into the world's museums?" This artist would paint each picture, matte and frame it, put two-sided mounting tape on the back and wrap the picture inside his trench coat. He'd arrive like us, then open his coat and stick his work on a wall, right there among the Picassos and Renoirs.
This little yarn became a short story called "Ambition" and a screenplay. The story, about an artist desperate to find his place in history, I wrapped into a novel called Haunted.
This May, "Ambition" and Haunted will be published.
On March 13, the Metropolitan Museum of Art found a lovely, gold-framed portrait of a woman wearing a gas mask, stuck on the wall of their gallery. On March 16, the Brooklyn Museum found a portrait of an eighteenth-century military officer holding a can of spray paint. The Museum of Modern Art found a painting on March 17, depicting a can of cream-of-tomato soup. The Louvre and the Tate museums have found similar paintings stuck on their walls.
According to the New York Times, this is the work of a British graffiti artist named Banksy, who wears a trench coat and fake beard as he hangs his work among the masterpieces. Are we more the same person than we'd like to admit?

A coincidence? Or, are we more the same person than we'd like to admit? My thoughts are so much Are we more the same person than we'd like to admit?
your thoughts that they hardly qualify
as mine. The darkest fantasy you keep buried, someone else will get rich, singing about on the radio.
Is it better to hide your dark idea and hope that all other people do the same, or to depict and share that dark idea?
While writing Fight Club, I talked to friends about the idea of a movie projectionist splicing porn into family films. One friend told me not to use the idea, saying it would prompt people to salt porn into everything. When the book was published, countless people wrote to tell me they'd already been splicing sex into Disney films, pissing into restaurant food, or starting fight clubs. For decades.
Still, do we do more damage when we share our dark fantasies – when we explore them through a story or song or picture? Or when we deny them?
Stories are how human beings digest their lives: by making events into something we can repeat and control, telling them until they're exhausted. Until they no longer get a laugh or gasp or teary eye. Until we can absorb, assimilate even those worst events. Our culture, it digests events by making lesser and lesser versions of the original. After a ship sinks or a bomb explodes — the Original Tragedy — then we have the news version, the television movie version, the talk radio versions, the blog versions, the video game, the Franklin Mint Commemorative Plate versions, the McDonalds Happy Meal version, the one-liner reference on The Simpsons. Echoes that fade.
Then, like the funny story you used to tell at parties, the story that would always get laughs, about how you took acid and ate half a fur coat one night, we stop telling that story. NOT because it stops making people laugh — but because we've digested the event. It's resolved, and telling that story in any form no longer serves the teller.
Maybe why Radiohead no longer plays "Creep" in concert.
Maybe it's why we dream — compulsively telling stories, processing our experience like the food in our guts, even while we sleep.
But the stories we're afraid to tell, to control, to craft — they never wear out, and they kill us.
At least this is what I tell my friends when they ask me to shut up. To not give people any new ideas. This is my story about telling stories about telling stories. My way to digest what I do.
I tell people: The sooner we can tell a story, the quicker we can wear it out and make it a cliché, then the less power the idea will have.
Until the past century, religions used to give us a place to tell even our worst stories. Depict our most-terrible intentions. Once each week, you could turn your sins into a story and tell them to your peers. Or to a leader, who'd forgive you and accept you back into your community. Each week, you confessed, you were forgiven, and you received communion. You never strayed too far outside the group because you had this regular release. Maybe the most important aspect of salvation is having this forum, this permission and audience, for expressing our lives as a story.It would be a forum safe enough for you to look terrible.

It would be a forum safe enough for you to look terrible.
But as church becomes a place where people go to look good — instead of being the one, safe place where they could risk looking bad —
we're losing that regular storytelling forum. And the salvation, redemption and communion it allows.
Instead, now people go to therapy groups, twelve-step recovery groups, chat rooms, phone-sex hotlines, even writers workshops, to turn their lives and crimes into stories, express them, craft them, and in doing so be recognized by their peers. Brought back into the flock for another week. Accepted.
With this in mind: Our need to turn even the darkest parts of life — especially the darkest parts — into stories… our need to tell those stories to our peers… and our need to be heard, forgiven and accepted by our community . . . how about we start a new religion?
We could call this the "Church of Story." It would be a performance place where people could exhaust their stories, in words or music or sculpture. A school where people could learn craft skills that would give them more control over their story, and thus their life. This would be a place where people could step out of their lives and reflect, be detached enough to recognize a boring pattern or irrational fears or a weak character and begin to change that. To edit and rewrite their future. If nothing else, this could be a place where people would vent and be heard, and at that point maybe move forward.
It would be a forum safe enough for you to look terrible. Express terrible ideas.
In modern history, frustrated, powerless people have turned to churches. During the last years of segregation, people found each other in churches and recognized they weren't alone. Their personal problems were not only their own.
This "Church of Story" would give people a forum for connecting. Here, we'd have a regular time and place and permission to tell stories to each other. Instead of ignoring this need or fulfilling it at Starbucks in the window of time created by a cappuccino — or wearing a fake beard and gluing our story on the wall of an art gallery — we could give people the permission and structure they need to gather. To tell stories. To tell better stories. To tell great stories. To live great lives.

27 comentarios:

Unknown dijo...

Palahniuk es genial, sólo espero que no se repita hasta el cansancio eso sí! (viendo que su prosa siempre va por temas parecidos...)

No califico de groupie, pero me alegra saber que en la radio siempre puedo encontrar un comentario inteligente de tu parte. Eso, en estos tiempos de 'estoy bueno, por eso tengo un show radial' se agradece, y bastante!

No dejes de agregar cositas nuevas en tu blog, voy pendiente de leerlas!


Rocío :-)

Bartolomeo dijo...

¿Qué pasó mi pana, como está todo? Soy el pana que siempre hablaba contigo de todo en la UCAB cuando nos encontrábamos en el cafetin o en los pasillos (al que le diste el consejo aquel de "deseo que estes mejor que yo..." o algo así que no me acuerdo y que te lo recordé el otro día en Chacaíto cuando estabas grabando el comercial de la afeitadora).

Marico, que bien que abriste un Blog, yo tengo uno junto a unos panas desde hace mas de dos años y te invito a conocerlo:

Rural Tex

Espero que te acuerdes de quien soy (hay fotos de nosotros en los artículos con la etiqueta Destroy por si no me ubicas). Y Chuck Palahniuk es un carajo arrecho, lo conocí por el film F.C. y me lo he tripeado en su pagina Web, es un loco pero dentro de todo tiene razón y eso es lo que asusta.

"In Tyler We trusted"

Saludos bro.

Unknown dijo...

Que paso Matta, soy un brother de valencia. No me pelo a la cuenta de uno de los pocos programas de radio decentes y que provoca escuchar en esta vaina. Fight club es una mostrada de pelicula de pana, la entendi como a la 5 vez que la vi, de pana es una locura. Mira men te recomiendo un libro pa que lo publiques ahi en la lista de libros y vaina. "El liro negro de las marcas", es otro nivel. Otra vaina: habilita aki en el blog si puedes un espacio pa dejar mensajes en general pues, no solamente referentes a los articulos. M despido bro saludos, siga acumulando cultura y respeto.

Belkis Araque "Bel" Niña Fresa dijo...


Querìa pasarle el datico a todos mis compañeros locutores de la blogòsfera, que posteè en mi blog una entrada que lleva por tìtulo "EL ARTE DE HACER RADIO"...Me gustarìa contar con tu lectura !!!

Beshoss <3

[M] dijo...

Coño! al fin un blog constructivo!
Gracias por contribuir a que el cyber espacio esté lleno de menos basura!
Un saludo,

pino dijo...

Error Humano de este autor: Tremendo.


Que paso mi pana!!! Saludos desde LA FRITANGA!!!!!

pasate por mi blog !!

Desde La Barra dijo...

bro, mi frase preferida de Mr. P:

“Your heart is my piñata.”

y mira que a uno le han hecho daño

un abrazo


Maily Sequera dijo...

Nueva lectora reportándose.
Ando curioseando por acá a ver si luego dejo, en cualquier post, un comentario de verdad.

Unknown dijo...

Iván... soy tu fiel seguidora en el programa, pero creo que abandonaste tu blog!

Malo malo.


Gerardo Carvajal dijo...

Una religión donde la fe sea echar los cuentos, buenos cuentos… Que vaina tan buena. Me siento una prueba de lo que se dice en ese ensayo. Cuantas cosas he visto hechas o dichas cuando ya las hice o pensaba hacerlas creyendo que eran…….. muy mías. Convencido, la originalidad viene del silencio de las ideas de los demás.

CAMBUR dijo...




Gerardo Carvajal dijo...

Te cuento, Iván, que este post me llevó a retomar mi blog. Tremendo ensayo el de Palahniuk, era como un espejo mental.

PURA MUELA dijo...

epalex mi pana te escribo desde maracay esta chevere tu blogs pero aun no lo actulizas estamos en contacto p ver cuando te veo por mi programa de radio sino cuando quieras respondes a aqui o a mi correo

Unknown dijo...

O sea, como pa' cuando las actualizaciones del blog? *insertar bostezo* :-)

Anónimo dijo...

Por qué nos emocionas con este blog si nunca lo actualizas? :)

Julce dijo...

hi* me gusto tu blog :9 pero dudo que te guste el mio jeje es muy sofisticado.

miss *ann dijo...

tienes tiempo sin volver. :(

Yo dijo...

Support chaborrismo.


killer tiger dijo...

Broder este tipo es un duro de los duros,yo me estoy leyendo actualmente "Monstruos Invisibles" y va del carajo.

Saludos, primera vez por aquí.

n i t y dijo...

iván. conectate a myspace. o coloca algún email que abras para poderte escribir. por favorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. gracias.

Richard Ray dijo...

está mal escrito palahniuk, ah y si es realmente genial.

Manuel Jerez dijo...

Este video muestra que Lazo alguna vez fue jóven. Pa que se lo muestres:

M dijo...

Hola, Ivan, me gusta mucho tu trabajo y soy seguidora de la Mega, la escucho cuando puedo y me gusta bastante su programacion. He tratado de contactarlos y se me ha hecho muy dificil, quisiera saber el nombre de una cancion de hip hop que colocan constantemente pero nunca he alcanzado a escuchar el nombre ni el artista, la verdad ni siquiera he podido conseguir la letra. El coro dice algo asi como "wanna go to the highland", hay otra persona que tambien la busca en yahoo answers, es el unico topico que he conseguido en internet. Si pudieras hacerme el favor de conseguirme la cancion, o al menos el titulo y artista, te lo agradeceria mucho. :) Te felicito por tu trabajo, continua asi!

Margott dijo...

Mente! No hay una forma de hacerse seguidor del Blog?? Con esta cabeza mía se me va a olvidar... Soy tu parásito mayor... Nútreme!!!

Unknown dijo...

como no recordar fight club, una pelicula que la primera vez que la vez no sabes si te gusta o no, y más o menos cuando vas por la vez 30 te das cuenta que si te gusta. por cierto, chequea este blog
habla de todo

Ricardo Arispe dijo...

Hola Iván, ¿ tienes un mail al cual se te pueda escribir ?... De antemano mil gracias por tu respuesta. Saludos.